

If you enjoy everyday your sporting life, your body has been sculpted itself by the sporting life. Your body tells your life, your identity and your conscience. Even if your sporting life is in a part of social history, the cultural dimension of sport does not forge itself without your reflection to the human conscience on doing sport. Do and look it every day, but by thinking for sport.

It is surprising that the bodiliness of our existence has been thought a lot of times in relation to the conceptual stress between the nature and the culture, each time when the humanity experienced social evolution. Today, we need to come up to certain practical way of making new bodiliness. Sport seems to be expected to deal with this important problem of the cultural account of body. Attention ! that is never of relocating our field from the physical education to the sport activities.

In this page, you will see developing a new scientific perspective of my own  field, for making clear methodological problem of describing human body & movement. The problem may be deeply referred to the recent changing of academic circumstances on all the research fields of human study, which is even greatly influential overall the field we called "Physical Education and Sport"

S. Shimizu (Japan)